Monday, October 19, 2009

05 September - Thoughts on the way to Gaumukh

As i walked through the mountain, i mulled through a few thoughts in my head:

When one truly understands the nature of the ocean; its width, its depth, its hidden mysteries, then one can begin to understand its varied expressions in context.  Let me explain:  To the outside world, the oceans most common expressions are the waves.
 If one truly understands the mysterious deep then one is not affected by each wave and refrains from seeing them as being different from each other or apart from the ocean itself.  One realises that all is one.  All is the ocean.  All is the infinite depth.

I realise more every day that life is like the ocean, it is deeply divine and infinite.  Life is not just in us, we are also in life.  Just as the ocean is never confined by the land that may surround it, life continues beyond the borders of physical decay and death.  The different occurrences in our sojourn here are like waves in the ocean.  Waves are nothing more than an expression of the ocean just like events are nothing more than simple expressions of life.  How we relate to and choose to define these events, can either free us or keep us bound.  No matter how big the events are.  Here is the thing:  We often get so distracted by any one wave, or a series of them that they rob us from the present moment.  They occupy energy and steal precious time because our minds have become fixated on the impressions they have created.  Waves disappear as quickly as they arise, but our minds keep the memory alive.  Just like the waves, these life phenomena have come and gone.  They do not exist anymore.

It takes us years to relinquish the thought sometimes.  We are so mindful of that one wave, that one cataclysmic tsunami of sorts that we are torpedoed away from this simple and powerful realisation: that pervading this physical existence and beyond it, we are the ocean.

In all circumstances and situations, there is a peaceful resonance deep within.  It is the call of the ocean unto herself.  It is pure peace in the eye of the storm.  These depths have not been traversed as yet.  Very few in all our history have gone there and presented their findings to a world that will not listen.  Why do you create certain waves in your life?  For what purpose?  Dysfunctional relationships, the best vehicle plan, what to do with the noisy neighbours, the boss who wont recognize your talent, the job that doesnt pay your worth, the in-laws, the crime in the country, inflation. :)   Have you comprehended the ocean as yet?  Have you sought out the Source?  Have you contemplated and meditated its infinite depth? Then why waste your time on such trivialities??  Leave that!!! Go back to the Source!!   Dive deep into the ocean that is you before attempting to fix this and that, before trying to make sense of every little wave that comes up. No other goal is worth pursuing.  Everything else that has its roots in the transient and perishable has its true end only in disillusionment.